Thursday, October 6, 2011

Night Stand Re-do

I recently shared our dresser renovation on my friend Amanda's blog, Love & Renovations. We actually have more pieces to the set and we recently finished piece number two- one of the night stands.

We followed all of the same steps in our first post, but this time, we sanded down the drawer more to prevent from sticking.

I had originally said this set was from my grandparents, but after my mom read the post she corrected me and let me know that it was from my great grand parents. So it's more of an heirloom than I thought, which makes it all the more special. We still have another night stand to refinish and a bureau with a mirror, which is at my mom's. Some where along the way, the bed was given away, but I'm happy we have the other pieces around. When my mom and brother heard we were renovating our pieces for future kids rooms, they both offered to give us their pieces to complete the set.

We aren't planning on having kids any time soon, so we're good with the three pieces we have now for our craft room storage, but I'm excited to one day have all these pieces together. I think they'll look perfect in a kid's room because the white pops so nicely against bright colored walls.

Do you have any heirloom pieces in your family? Would you renovate an heirloom or want to keep it in original condition?


  1. The nightstand against the painted wall looks so good! Most of the older furniture pieces from my grandmother went to my brother since he moved out on his own first, but if I can get my hands on them I would love to renovate them.

  2. it's such a clean look! great job with the project.

  3. Ah! Beautiful!! I love how they turned out!
